
Laffly 80 armored car

French AMD laffly 80 AM camored car. which is developed from the laffly 50AM car. a armored truch base on a American truck.28 units have been producted and were in service untill 1946 in north africa.


French AMR35 light tank

AMR35 型侦查坦克就是代表。AMR35由AMR33发展而来。早期型号和AMR33仅在第2,3 负重轮的悬挂装置有所区别。AMR33 得第2,3 负重轮采用的是类似如B1 坦克的垂直螺旋弹簧。而AMR35择采用了霍夫曼剪刀似平衡悬挂装置。我这里做的是装备了13.5mm重型水冷机枪的型号。

French AMR 35 light tank with 13.5 mm water cooling HMG.


Finish Assault Gan BT42

由于打工,害得我做坦克的速度变慢了,这两BT42 花了俺两天才完成。不过,我怀疑这可能是世界上第一辆可以运行在Blitzkrieg 得BT42 了。


Landsverk and AMX39

landsverk M38 for the Dutch army.
the units of the little countries such like Dutch,Beigium, Hungary,Romanian Sweden and Spain would be interesting.



French ARL44 heavy tank

The french ARL 44 heavy tank .


tank collection2

there are some other my works, british cruiser tanks and American M6 heavy tank family.

My tank collection

before all, this is a test.
i would like to creat this page to show my tank collection, all the tank could be used in the game Blitzkrieg------the best war game from NIVAL.
there is one of my work:frech AMX 40 light tank, a tank rarely known.